Peregrine welcomes simultaneous submissions. Decisions will be made by the editors after the deadline, so our response time may be slower than that of other literary journals. Please inform Peregrine if your work is accepted elsewhere.

We are looking for well-written, thoughtful, previously unpublished poems and pieces of creative nonfiction/memoir that inform and surprise us. We appreciate fresh and specific imagery and layered metaphors (but not excessive verbiage, abstractions or clichés). We will not consider inspirational poetry, greeting card verse, religious tirades, or nostalgia.

Peregrine has a mandate of inclusivity that encourages writing by emerging as well as established writers. We encourage submissions from writers of all ethnicities and backgrounds,  including writers with disabilities, LGBTQIA+ and neurodivergent writers.

Contributors whose work is accepted for publication will receive one copy of the 2024 Peregrine print edition. 

Reading and editing staff of Peregrine are not eligible for inclusion in this journal


DEADLINE EXTENDED to July 31, 2024  11:59 pm.

We've Got Some Things to Say (forthcoming 2025) will be a collection of poems and shorts prose pieces written by survivors of sexual assault. The name of the anthology was chosen to address and take on some of the most common and harmful questions and comments that victims of sexual violence are confronted with when they disclose that they have been sexually assaulted. Some of these harmful victim-blaming questions and comments take the form of "what were you wearing," "why didn’t you scream," "why didn’t you fight back," "were you drinking," "did you know the person," "I thought you were dating," "why didn't you report it," "I know that person and they wouldn't have done that," "why didn't you go to the police," "you must be mistaken," "aren't you two married," etc. This book will help to expose the false accusation that often hides behind these questions and comments. Specifically, that the assault was somehow the victim's fault. 

Writers may submit up to 3 pieces of either poetry, creative nonfiction/memoir, or a combination of those genres. (No fiction please!) Poems should be single spaced and no longer than 50 lines, including stanza breaks. Creative nonfiction/memoir pieces should be no longer than 750 words. Shorter pieces are appreciated.

  Please note that we receive many submissions and unfortunately will not be able to include them all in the anthology. Inclusion in the anthology is the sole discretion of the editorial team and based on the focus of the book and submissions received.
Pieces that promote hate-speech of any kind will not be considered. 

Where to get help if you need it:

There are many resources available for those affected by sexual violence, including Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network's (RAINN) National Sexual Assault Hotline, which is available by phone at 800.656.HOPE (4673) or online at in both English and Spanish ( The chat also has a quick exit feature that provides immediate protections during its use. RAINN’s hotline services are free, confidential, anonymous and available 24/7.

Peregrine Journal