Peregrine welcomes simultaneous submissions. Decisions will be made by the editors after the deadline, so our response time may be slower than that of other literary journals. Please inform Peregrine if your work is accepted elsewhere.
We are looking for well-written, thoughtful, previously unpublished poems and pieces of creative nonfiction/memoir that inform and surprise us. We appreciate fresh and specific imagery and layered metaphors (but not excessive verbiage, abstractions or clichés). We will not consider inspirational poetry, greeting card verse, religious tirades, or nostalgia.
Peregrine has a mandate of inclusivity that encourages writing by emerging as well as established writers. We encourage submissions from writers of all ethnicities and backgrounds, including writers with disabilities, LGBTQIA+ and neurodivergent writers.
Contributors whose work is accepted for publication will receive one copy of the 2024 Peregrine print edition.
Reading and editing staff of Peregrine as well as AWA Board members are not eligible for inclusion in this journal
Oh, tell us poet, what do you do?
I praise.
But the deadly and the violent days,
how do you undergo them, take them in?
I praise.
—Rainer Maria Rilke (translation by Denise Levertov)
Amherst Writers & Artists, publisher of the annual journal Peregrine, is seeking submissions around the theme of gratitude and praise for its 2025 edition.
The editors will consider short fiction and short creative nonfiction/memoir about gratitude and praise for the edition to be published in November 2025. Gratitude comes from the Latin word gratus, which means “pleasing” or “thankful.” Peregrine is looking for stories and poems that express thankfulness or appreciation for any number of things.
In the words of Amherst Writers & Artists founder Pat Schneider:
Praise laughter and tears when language fails.
Praise mystery. Praise the possibility
That even rocks have a voice, even stars
whose light has long ago gone out, speak.
—from “This Is a Hymn of Praise” in The Weight of Love
We are looking for well-written, thoughtful, previously unpublished pieces of creative nonfiction/memoir that inform and surprise us. We appreciate fresh and specific imagery and layered metaphors (but not excessive verbiage, abstractions or clichés). We will not consider inspirational poetry, greeting card verse, religious tirades, or nostalgia.
Peregrine has a mandate of inclusivity that encourages writing by emerging as well as established writers. We encourage submissions from writers of all ethnicities and backgrounds, including writers with disabilities, LGBTQIA+ and neurodivergent writers.
Writers do not have to be members of or affiliated with Amherst Writers & Artists to submit work, though they can be. (However, work by the reading and editing staff of Peregrine—as well as member of the Amherst Writers & Artists board of directors and staff—is not eligible for submission to this journal.)
Peregrine accepts only electronic submissions through Submittable. Writers may submit up to 3 pieces of creative nonfiction/memoir, or fiction, or a combination of those genres. Creative nonfiction/memoir/fiction pieces should be no longer than 750 words. Shorter pieces are appreciated.
A $3 entry fee is required for a single submission of up to 3 pieces. Editors will not consider more than 3 pieces from an individual writer.
Include your name and email address at the top of each submitted piece as a Microsoft Word document or as a pdf. Please include a biography of no more than 50 words with your submission. Exceeding the word and line limits can result in the rejection of your submission
Deadline for poetry and prose: April 15, 2025, through Submittable:
Peregrine welcomes simultaneous submissions. Decisions will be made by the editors after the deadline, so our response time may be slower than that of other literary journals. Writers can expect responses by August. Please inform Peregrine if your work is accepted elsewhere.
Contributors whose work is accepted for publication will receive one copy of the 2025 Peregrine print edition.
Oh, tell us poet, what do you do?
I praise.
But the deadly and the violent days,
how do you undergo them, take them in?
I praise.
—Rainer Maria Rilke (translation by Denise Levertov)
Amherst Writers & Artists, publisher of the annual journal Peregrine, is seeking submissions around the theme of gratitude and praise for its 2025 edition.
The editors will consider poems about gratitude and praise for the edition to be published in November 2025. Gratitude comes from the Latin word gratus, which means “pleasing” or “thankful.” Peregrine is looking for poems that express thankfulness or appreciation for any number of things.
In the words of Amherst Writers & Artists founder Pat Schneider:
Praise laughter and tears when language fails.
Praise mystery. Praise the possibility
That even rocks have a voice, even stars
whose light has long ago gone out, speak.
—from “This Is a Hymn of Praise” in The Weight of Love
We are looking for well-written, thoughtful, previously unpublished poems that inform and surprise us. We appreciate fresh and specific imagery and layered metaphors (but not excessive verbiage, abstractions or clichés). We will not consider inspirational poetry, greeting card verse, religious tirades, or nostalgia.
Peregrine has a mandate of inclusivity that encourages writing by emerging as well as established writers. We encourage submissions from writers of all ethnicities and backgrounds, including writers with disabilities, LGBTQIA+ and neurodivergent writers.
Writers do not have to be members of or affiliated with Amherst Writers & Artists to submit work, though they can be. (However, work by the reading and editing staff of Peregrine—as well as member of the Amherst Writers & Artists board of directors and staff—is not eligible for submission to this journal.)
Peregrine accepts only electronic submissions through Submittable. Writers may submit up to 3 pieces of poetry. Poems should be single spaced and no longer than 50 lines, including stanza breaks.
A $3 entry fee is required for a single submission of up to 3 pieces. Editors will not consider more than 3 pieces from an individual writer.
Include your name and email address at the top of each submitted piece as a Microsoft Word document or as a pdf. Please include a biography of no more than 50 words with your submission. Exceeding the word and line limits can result in the rejection of your submission
Deadline for poetry and prose: April 15, 2025, through Submittable:
Peregrine welcomes simultaneous submissions. Decisions will be made by the editors after the deadline, so our response time may be slower than that of other literary journals. Writers can expect responses by August. Please inform Peregrine if your work is accepted elsewhere.
Contributors whose work is accepted for publication will receive one copy of the 2025 Peregrine print edition.